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针对非线性捷联惯导系统噪声先验统计信息未知问题,基于中心差分卡尔曼滤波基本算法,采用极大似然准则构造极大期望最速下降梯度算法展开系统未知噪声统计特性在线估计计算研究,构建一类捷联惯导系统初始对准极大期望自适应中心差分最优滤波算法.该算法利用极大似然准则构造系统噪声统计特性对数似然函数,采用极大期望最速下降梯度法把系统噪声统计特性估计转化为对数似然函数期望最大值计算,获得系统过程噪声和观测噪声在线递推估计的自适应极大期望中心差分卡尔曼算法.经过大方位失准角捷联惯导系统初始对准仿真实验,与中心差分卡尔曼滤波基本算法相比,自适应极大期望中心差分卡尔曼算法能够有效解决基本算法在系统噪声先验知识未知情形下的滤波精度下降甚至发散问题,并且能够实现系统噪声统计特性的在线递推估计.  相似文献   
针对极区经线收敛导致以真北向作为航向参考的导航算法失效问题,提出了基于横向地理坐标系的导航参数定义和导航解算方法.该方法选取地球赤道上一点作为新的极点,并在地球模型为椭球模型情况下以该极点为基础定义了横向地球坐标系、横向地理坐标系以及横向经纬度,进而了设计并提出了将横向地理坐标系作为导航参考坐标系的惯性导航力学编排,仿真结果表明本方法解决了传统力学编排在极区不能正常工作的问题.  相似文献   
针对采用SINS/GPS组合导航及末端寻的复合制导体制的制导弹药,为检验组合导航系统和制导控制系统的工作性能,设计了半实物仿真系统框架结构.设计半实物仿真时序,采用基于频率调度(FBS)机制,实现仿真的实时性和同步性.探讨并解决了仿真中多CPU时钟同步问题.仿真结果表明,捷联惯导算法正确,解算时延较小,GPS修正效果良好,组合导航系统可顺利完成中末制导交班;制导控制系统设计合理,对于静止和机动目标,落点射击精度和落角均满足设计要求.  相似文献   
可重复使用运载器在进近着陆阶段对位置偏差有较高的精度要求, 而现有的组合导航方式的导航误差波动幅度较大, 难以满足运载器在进近着陆段的导航要求。因此,本文利用捷联惯导系统(strap-down inertial navigation system,SINS)的非线性误差传播模型, 以陆基增强系统(ground based augmentation system,GBAS)输出的精确位置信息为基础, 建立SINS/GBAS组合导航方法, 并给出“输出+反馈”的组合导航复合修正结构。通过在GBAS中引入电离层误差及对流层误差, 从而实现了对于运载器定位误差在厘米级的精确定位。此外,通过引入扩展卡尔曼滤波技术, 有效地抑制了惯导误差漂移的问题。通过数值模拟仿真, 证明SINS/GBAS组合导航对飞行器进近着陆段的水平与高程定位误差不大于0.05 m, 测速误差不大于0.05 m/s, 从而证实了SINS/GBAS组合导航方式在可重复运载器在进近着陆段导航的可行性。  相似文献   
针对惯性导航系统极区性能试验难以实地开展的问题, 研究了一种模拟测试的方法, 并基于横向坐标系编排给出了以组合导航系统作为测量基准的惯导模拟测试方案。首先分析了模拟测试技术研究的必要性, 然后根据轨迹形变最小原则详细推导了基于横向坐标系编排的极区模拟测试转换公式, 之后针对测试中采用不同基准的情况, 提出了相应的惯性测量单元(inertial measurement unit, IMU)转换算法, 并提出以惯性导航系统/全球导航卫星系统(inertial navigation system/global navigation satellite system, INS/GNSS)为参照基准的一种具体测试方案, 最终完成了仿真实验, 验证了模拟测试理论的正确性。结果表明, 在基准误差不计的情形下,试验导航参数误差与惯导实地横向编排解算误差相当。初步验证了所提方法替代极区实地试验进行精度性能评估的可行性, 为后续极区模拟测试评估研究奠了定理论基础。  相似文献   
针对传统捷联惯导系统(strapdown inertial navigation system, SINS)四元数非线性误差模型存在坐标系不一致的问题, 对姿态误差模型和速度误差模型进行改进, 将误差矢量统一投影至计算导航坐标系下。此外, 引入全球定位系统阻尼信息, 在阻尼SINS解算基础上, 结合四元数无迹估计器提出了一种改进四元数阻尼误差模型对准算法, 可应用于系泊状态下的SINS初始对准。仿真和车载试验结果表明, 在不同的大失准角下, 该改进算法相比传统四元数阻尼误差模型对准算法和欧拉角阻尼误差模型对准算法, 具有更好的对准精度、收敛速度以及稳定性。  相似文献   
在模糊决策理论中,区间直觉模糊数的排序是一个非常重要的理论问题.运用得分函数和精确函数对区间直觉模糊数进行有效排序的关键是得分函数和精确函数的科学构建.本文基于得分函数和精确函数的内涵,运用概率论全概率公式思想提出了新的得分函数和精确函数,并证明了其公理化的性质.通过大量的实际数据测算与比较分析,验证了本文提出的得分函数和精确函数的科学性,从而在对区间直觉模糊数排序时更有效、更准确.  相似文献   
New rapid transfer alignment method for SINS of airborne weapon systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Transfer alignment is an effective alignment method for the strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS) of airborne weapon systems. The traditional transfer alignment methods for large misalignment angles alignment use nonlinear transfer align- ment models and incorporate nonlinear filtering. A rapid transfer alignment method with linear models and linear filtering for ar- bitrary misalignment angles is presented. Through the attitude quaternion decomposition, the purpose of transfer alignment is converted to estimate a constant quaternion. Employing special manipulations on measurement equation, velocity and attitude linear measurement equations are derived. Then the linear trans- fer alignment model for arbitrary misalignment angles is built. An adaptive Kalman filter is developed to handle modeling errors of the measurement noise statistics. Simulation results show feasibili- ty and effectiveness of the proposed method, which provides an alternative rapid transfer alignment method for airborne weapons.  相似文献   
基于产品生命周期成本(LCC)系统的复杂动态结构,利用系统动力学建立LCC控制模型.将直觉模糊推理技术嵌入成本模型中,用于刻画成本动因间的复杂模糊关系,解决了历史数据不足、人为判断模糊等问题.以广州某厂所生产的某型号液压泵为例,通过实证模拟证明该模型能更有效地实现对产品LCC的控制,具有较大的应用价值和较强的适用性.  相似文献   
Traditional orthogonal strapdown inertial navigation sys-tem (SINS) cannot achieve satisfactory self-alignment accuracy in the stationary base: taking more than 5 minutes and al the iner-tial sensors biases cannot get ful observability except the up-axis accelerometer. However, the ful skewed redundant SINS (RSINS) can not only enhance the reliability of the system, but also improve the accuracy of the system, such as the initial alignment. Firstly, the observability of the system state includes attitude errors and al the inertial sensors biases are analyzed with the global perspective method: any three gyroscopes and three accelerometers can be assembled into an independent subordinate SINS (sub-SINS);the system state can be uniquely confirmed by the coupling connec-tions of al the sub-SINSs;the attitude errors and random constant biases of al the inertial sensors are observable. However, the ran-dom noises of the inertial sensors are not taken into account in the above analyzing process. Secondly, the ful-observable Kalman filter which can be applied to the actual RSINS containing random noises is established; the system state includes the position, ve-locity, attitude errors of al the sub-SINSs and the random constant biases of the redundant inertial sensors. At last, the initial self-alignment process of a typical four-redundancy ful skewed RSINS is simulated: the horizontal attitudes (pitch, rol ) errors and yaw error can be exactly evaluated within 80 s and 100 s respectively, while the random constant biases of gyroscopes and accelero-meters can be precisely evaluated within 120 s. For the ful skewed RSINS, the self-alignment accuracy is greatly improved, mean-while the self-alignment time is widely shortened.  相似文献   
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